Travelling to your dream location demands time, money and effort. There are millions in the world who wish to travel to some of the most entertaining places in the world. However, these ventures demand a lot of money. For those who are always on a tight budget, this post will be a life saver. You can make your dreams come true by visiting the cities recommended in this list. Every city in the world has something different to offer. For this reason, you should always be ready to appreciate what the world has to offer. There are a number of factors which help in determining the cost of living. The price for buying two cocktails, lodging and dining are some of the most important factors to be considered in terms of calculating the cheapest cities. Here are the 5 cheapest cities you can visit in 2014.
5. Hanoi, Vietnam
In addition to offering a wonderful view of life in Vietnam, this city has a lot to offer. The price for a meal for two individuals with wine, 2 cocktails, taxi visits and a single night lodging costs about £ 92. You can alleviate this price by opting for deals and discounts that are offered by many hotels in the city.
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4. Jakarta, Indonesia
With the same factors into focus, the price for a whole package is about £ 95. Yet again, the city is known for its historical sites, entertainment avenues and superior dining. You can opt for a variety of deals and discounts in order to save a lot of money. However, you should always have an abstract map in mind about the places and sites you plan to visit. Using this strategy, you will be able to make the most out of your trip within a few days.
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3. Bangkok, Thailand
The life might not be too high in the city, but it is worth a visit. In addition to offering a wide range of options for entertainment, dining, drinking and a lot more, the city is also a cheap place to be. You can spend a whole day in the city for a price lesser than many other cities in the world. However, you should always be choosy in terms of deals and discounts offered.
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2. Kuala Lumpur, Indonesia
This is yet another famous city of the world when it comes to sites, history, art, culture, quality food and lodging. The price for a whole deal including drinking, dining, travelling and lodging is £ 100 or a bit more. At such a small price you will be able to enjoy everything the city has to offer for a single day. In order to save some more money, you can opt for weekly packages and discounts which are available over the web.
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1. Prague, Czech Republic
Now here we have a city which is more than well known. Some of you might consider this city as an expensive one, but in reality, the price for lodging, dining and travelling to entertainment venues is lesser than many other hot shot cities in the world.
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